We extend a special thanks to all our staff and operators who buy into the continual change and learning that drives this system. Without commitment to environmental improvement from all parts of the business it would not be possible to maintain these prestigious standards.
Responsibility for sustainability lies with us all, as organisations and as individuals, AMD Contact Services Ltd has taken this responsibility seriously and has implemented an ISO 14001 compliant EMS, which ensures that the required tools are in place to enable to enable the organisation and leadership to embrace sustainability. ISO 14001 is an international standard for designing and implementing an environmental management system (EMS) this certification has involved the implementation of environmental procedure in areas such as production, supply chain management, operations, risk management, and strong business continuity processes. AMD as a company are committed to continually improving our Integrated Management System to ensure our services exceed the needs and expectations of our customers and of the current climate that we live in and through 14001 work towards preventing our business from causing negative impacts on the environment, meanwhile continually working towards reducing our carbon footprints.